

What's next for the women of Afghanistan?

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(WXYZ) — The final exit of US troops from Afghanistan leaves that countries citizens - especially women - vulnerable to the Taliban.

Joining us to talk about it in the 7 UpFront segment is Dr. Debotri Dhar from the Institute for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Michigan.

You can see the full interview in the video player above.

"The last time they were in power, we saw education for girls and women restricted. We saw employment opportunities restricted, mobility restricted," Dhar says. "We saw chilling videos of women being thrashed in public for not wearing the burqa or not being accompanied by a male member when they ventured out of home. So, going forward, one is worried particularly about those women whose lifestyles might be deemed too westernized by the Taliban. Given my work in women's and gender studies, I also worry for sexual minorities and other minorities in the country and, in general, anyone who might be seen as a US ally."