

$1,000-A-Day Giveaway: Mornings on 7 Action News


Each weekday morning, starting May 2 through May 6, we want to give away $1,000 to lucky 7 Action News This Morning viewers.

Enter Here For A Chance To Win

Frequently Asked Questions about our giveaway:

Do I have to enter every day?
No, once you’ve entered you’re in for the duration of the contest, however you can enter once per day for extra entries.

What if I can’t watch?
You can ask someone to watch for your name between 6-7 a.m., or stream our newscast on the web or our apps.

My entry says I don’t qualify. What’s wrong?
The most common issue with someone not qualifying is because their birthday was not submitted. Make sure all categories of the entry form are correct, especially the birth date. We need the year to make sure you are over the age of 18.

I don’t have email, is there another way to enter?
A valid email is required for this contest.

Are you notifying the winner online?
No. You must watch live in order to win.