

10 forgotten words Wayne State wants you to use

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Instead of using an emoji to express yourself, why not use a word? 

Wayne State University has released their 2016 list of words that deserve to be used more often in conversation. 

The Wayne State Word Warriors' list is compiled from submissions from administrators of the website and the public. 

“The English language has perhaps more words in its lexicon than any other,” says Jerry Herron, dean of WSU's Irvin D. Reid Honors College and a member of the website’s editorial board, in a press release. “By making use of the repertoire available to us, we expand our ability to communicate clearly and help make our world a more interesting place. Bringing these words back into everyday conversation is just another way of broadening our horizons.”

The useful words list of 2016:

To discreetly leave a gathering or party without informing the host.
At the party, I made such a fool of myself that I felt it was best to absquatulate after a half hour.

Something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
Supporting such a vile, bigoted candidate was anathema to the young voter.

Pleasure and delight.
I showed up with a box of chocolates for her delectation.

A less distinguished follower or imitator of someone, especially an artist or philosopher.
Even their most loyal fans knew The Monkees were a silly, manufactured epigone of The Beatles.

Childishly silly and trivial.
When his old buddies came over, Jake transformed from a respected businessman into an overgrown child, giggling at puerile jokes.

A noisy, confused or disruptive commotion.
I entered the daycare, wondering how the teachers held onto their sanity during the daily rumpus.

Something that settles a matter; a decisive blow or answer.
On the playground, "I know you are, but what am I" is the ultimate sockdolager to many an argument.

Fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure; self-indulgent.
As soon as the kids were out of the house, Dan cashed out his savings and had a sybaritic retirement on the Florida coast.

Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic.
The torpid teen sat on the couch shoveling chips into his mouth, his eyes never breaking from Cartoon Network.

Depravity, wickedness.
The trial exposed the public to the turpitude hiding behind his pleasant demeanor.