

After hard times, brothers start car wash

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When two brothers, Erik and Chris Pritchett, got laid off from their jobs - they got creative and started a car wash business four years ago.

It is called the Burnside Car Wash.

Erik Pritchett said, "We used to work and then we lost our jobs and it was kind of hard at the time."

Erik worked for one of the Big Three while Chris was a cable installer.

When they decided to wash cars for a living, they purchased a vacant lot in Detroit for about $50.

They get their business by word of mouth and using social media, like Instagram, with the #burnsidecarwash

"We made handmade signs ourselves, we will take pictures of all our work and put it on the gram."

Burnside Street is mostly residential but neighbors don't seem to mind the booming business.

"They support us they help us out. They bring their cars to us."

Erik says there was a need for a car wash in this neighborhood. They charge $15 a car.

"There's people driving around here every day and got to go miles and miles away for a car wash so we could do it here."

Erik hopes his story inspires others who've lost their jobs.

His advice: stay positive.

"What's our goal? I can't say there's not limits."