

Campaign for kidney donor goes viral and leads to gift of life

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(WXYZ) — Ryan Stanford was diagnosed with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. A cycst would eventually overpower his kidneys, so his girlfriend's daughter took it upon herself to find him a new kidney.

So Lillian Jarjour, of Macomb County, drove around in 2018 with a sign on her back window that read, "Single dad of 3 needs type "O" kidney" until she found a match for her mother's boyfriend.

Both Sanford and his donor say they now have an indescribable bond. Both are healing well, and they hope more people will step up for organ donation.

Both of Sanford's kids also have the condition and will eventually need donors. There's currently 2,300 people in Michigan alone that need a new kidney.

For more information on organ donation in Michigan click here.