

Family who was helped by firefighter loses son

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Last month, we told you about a Clinton Township firefighter who helped a family who has two children with muscular dystrophy by paying their $1,000 power bill.

On Saturday, we learned that one of their children has died.

Troy Stone, 18, passed away because of a broken artery, his family tells 7 Action News reporter Anu Prakash. He had to muscular dystrophy and was on a ventilator.

Related: Clinton Township firefighter pays $1,000 power bill to help family in need

The Stone family had been struggling last month with their bills and the power was cut off. She had to call 911 because the batteries for the ventilator only last a few hours. 

Clinton Township firefighters responded and firefighter Ryan McCuen started talking to Christy Stone. That's when he found out the power was shut off because the family had a $1,000 bill that needed to be paid.

"I said 'I'd like to take care of it.' We took him (Troy) to the hospital and I called DTE," says McCuen.

"My first reaction? I gave him a hug and said thank you!", says Christy.

Thanks to that help from McCuen, the power was turned back on and Troy was able to come back home.

Stone says she's now working with DTE to make sure their power isn't shut off again.

A few days later, Stone stopped by the fire department with a card and cookies for McCuen.

The Stone family still has four children, the youngest of whom, Tyler, also has muscular dystrophy.