

Father of San Bernardino attack victim speaks


The mass shooting in California now has a deep and emotional connection to Detroit. 

Cary Winston Eatmon is a grieving step-dad to 27-year-old Sierra Clayborn, one of the 14 killed in San Bernardino.

Sierra worked as a restaurant inspector in the same department as Syed Farook who, along with his wife Tashfeen Malik, did the shooting. 

The growing evidence shows they became radicalized Muslims and had planned the attack with assault rifles.

Cary raised Sierra from age 2 to when she entered college. Cary is still married to her mother Wendy and they have an 18-year-old son Winston. 

Both are waiting for Cary to arrive have Sierra's funeral.

Cary has not talked about his daughter beyond family and close friends until his interview with 7 Investigator Jim Kiertzner.

Cary moved back to Detroit 7 years ago when his brother and then father passed away. He runs his own small business, a video production company and does not have the money to fly to California.

But get this, a Muslim Doctor in California heard about Cary's story and donated money to help pay his way.

Cary also set up a crowd funding account.  If you'd like to help, go to and enter his email: