When a Detroit Public Schools teacher co-founded a new non-profit to make sure kids get the help they need to succeed in school, she soon ran into one problem.
So many parents saw her results and brought their kids to her for help, she had to put many on a waiting list.
The non-profit is called the Excel Advantage Foundation. It was founded just last year and provides tutoring groups for economically disadvantaged kids in and around Detroit.
"I want to create that love for learning and teach kids it is okay to struggle. There is someone here to help you,” said Claudia Bean, COO of Excel Advantage.
We met one four-year-old little girl named Zoey. Her mom says after just a month and a half in the program her reading skills have improved tremendously. The pre-K student is even creating picture books.
"She is just a glowing little child, blooming like a flower,” said Demetra Owens, Zoey’s Mom.
“We need help,” said Excel Advantage Foundation Executive Director Valarie Mitchell.
Mitchell says with donations and more volunteers they could change many more lives.
Leo's Coney Island partnered with Excel Advantage Foundation a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to help raise money to fund much needed academic programs offered through the foundation. It is Monday, March 7 from 12 PM - 8 PM at the Farmington Hills restaurant in the Kendalwood Plaza.
You can find more information about the foundation at http://www.exceladvantagefoundation.org/.