

Mass shootings have people rethinking big venues like Michigan vs MSU game

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The mass shooting in Las Vegas Sunday night has some people rethinking whether they feel comfortable to attend the Michigan Vs Michigan state game this weekend.

"This could happen any public place, really,” said University of Michigan student Basil Alsubee, who was tying to buy tickets for Saturday’s game, but can’t shake his uneasiness.

Soft targets are places where usually unarmed civilians gather. The last two most deadly mass shootings in recent American history were soft targets, such as the Las Vegas music festival shooting and Pulse Nightclub in Orlando.

However, university officials are assuring the public that the safety measures in place are very effective.

"We have multiple layers of security at Michigan stadium," said Director of University Security Services Joseph Piersante.

Along with local law enforcement officials -- local hospitals in Ann Arbor have been training their staff for a Level One trauma incident like a mass shooting.

“We look at what’s going around in the world, and the country, and in our state, and so we have, like I said, contingency plans for multiple scenarios,” said Piersante.

The Department of Homeland Security has laid out guidelines for what people can do in active shooter situations.

It’s called, “Run, Hide, Fight! And here’s how it works:

  1. Run if you can
  2. Hide if you’re stuck
  3. Fight if you’re confronted by the shooter

STORY: MSP re-iterates 'run, hide, fight' plan in active shooter situations

For more tips on how to survive an active shooter situation, read the Department of Homeland Security’s guidebook.