

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder orders flags lowered for Florida victims, Kalamazoo bicyclists

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder orders flags lowered for Florida victims, Kalamazoo bicyclists

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is ordering that all U.S. and Michigan flags be lowered to half-staff in honor of the victims in the Orlando shooting and the bicyclists who were recently hit and killed in Kalamazoo.

The order will begin today and run through June 21.

“I am joining President Obama's call to honor the victims of the Orlando terror attack by ordering Michigan and U.S. flags to half-staff until June 16,” Snyder said in a statement. “Our hearts go out to those who lost their lives and for their loved ones who are grieving. What happened in Florida is a tragedy - one we will never forget. Hate has no place in this nation. Sue and I ask all Michiganders to join us in prayer for Orlando - victims, families, friends, and first responders. The people of Michigan stand with Florida. In addition, I'm ordering the flags to stay down an extra five days for the lives of the cyclists lost in Kalamazoo.”