

Fmr. Detroit FBI SAC: Mueller "not playing around" with federal charges

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Retired FBI Agent in Charge in Detroit Andy Arena worked for several years with Robert Mueller who today made public two indictments and one guilty plea in the ongoing investigation into Russian connections. 

Arena tells 7 Investigator Jim Kiertzner that Mueller is a “by the book workaholic” and he’s gotten results in only a matter of months. 

“The indictment’s pretty significant. What was charged, they’re not playing around.  This is very, very serious,” Arena tells Kiertzner. 

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates are indicted in connection with lobbying for the Russians not in connection with the President or his campaign last year. 

Their charges include Conspiracy, Money Laundering, Unregistered Agents of a Foreign Government and False Statements. 

“That shows me, no cooperation and some of the charges that he actually lied to the FBI.  They’re putting some serious pressure on these individuals to kind of get their mind right,” Arena says. 

Another surprise was with George Papadapoulos a foreign policy advisor to the Trump Campaign who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in a plea deal, after meeting last year with a Russian agent who promised “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. 

“It is obvious what they’re trying to do is work it up the chain. An individual already pleaded to this. That’s very significant. That says to me there’s proof of some cooperation ongoing,” Arena said. 

Arena says Mueller will let the charges and results speak and he won’t get into back and forth with critics or even President Trump.