It’s a story we first brought you earlier this month, a woman from Monroe signed up for a diet plan that she later found out she couldn’t use because of a health condition she has.
She had a hard time getting her money back - so she called us.
But get this, after our story aired someone called our Jennifer Bisram wanting to help her out.
Trudy Boes says all she ever wanted was to be healthy, so when the first diet plan she signed up for didn’t work out, you can image her disappointment.
But Marla Kaminsky from The Diet Center in West Bloomfield has stepped up to help.
Trudy has a heart condition called SVT. Last month she signed up with a different diet company, and says she immediately had to stop as ordered by her cardiologist - because it wasn't right for her.
A few weeks ago, we tried to help her get her money back.
Marla saw our story and is now offering Trudy a free diet program to help her with her health goals.
It was something Trudy did not see coming.
We are so happy we were able to help Trudy. We will continue to follow her story and keep you posted on her new health journey.