7 Action News rode along with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office on the first night of DUI enforcement.
Extra deputies are on the roads, looking for traffic violations, and not responding to other calls for service.
They are working eight hour shifts, looking for drunk drivers, drugs, and anything out of the ordinary.
Within 30 minutes of being out with Deputy Eric Rymarz, he spotted a traffic violation for an expired license plate.
That quickly turned into much more.
A man was arrested for possession of narcotics, after they say he tried hiding cocaine in his mouth.
Rymarz tells us, "That's the reason we do this. So drivers can get back to their families safely in one piece."
According to Michigan State Police, last year during the Christmas and New Year weekend, there were seven alcohol related deaths in Michigan.
These stepped up patrols will continue throughout the holiday weekend.
We're told the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office will focus patrols in Ypsilanti Township.