SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (WXYZ) — Video of serious, sometimes violent fights inside Southfield Arts and Technical High School have gone viral and made national news.
Some were two years ago. Then a month ago, seven more fights in one day.
Southfield’s new police chief Elvin Barren has been watching and wanted to talk with students face-to-face.
He worked his way up the ranks in the Detroit Police Department and is taking that community policing concept and making it proactive in this case. He invited us to attend.
Eighteen hand-picked students met with the Chief, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Kameshia Gant and Anthony Dorsey of Keeping Schools Safe. Lunch was provided by sponsors who want to keep schools and students safe.
They talked about alternatives to violence, crime and the system.
For the first time school officials talked about the incidents on camera. Charity Jones is the Principal who says the gathering is not about the fights but to forge a relationship with police and the Judge.