

Suspected thief caught on video going through cars in Downriver communities


Dozens of Downriver residents are heated after a thief rolling around their neighborhood has been rifling through they stuff.

The good news is the bad guy was caught on a family’s surveillance camera.

In it, the crook is seen taking his see time, grabbing anything he can get his hands on - items life, sunglasses, change and even pictures of people’s kids.

One Taylor woman tells us, she and other have been riding about the neighborhood trying to catch the criminal.

“We’re worried about what’s going on in the middle of the night, so, we’re just gonna do neighborhood watch and hopefully somebody will catch him,” says Sheila from Taylor.

They have now formed a neighborhood watch group, so more citizens can be on the case.

7 Action News has learned the creeper in the night has hit several cities.

If you see him, don’t approach him call police.