

Homeowners could face fee for not cutting grass


Homeowners in Westland could start having to pay a fee if they don't cut their grass, according to the recently tweaked city ordinance.

According to the mayor, if the grass is between 7 and 10 inches, the city will give you 10 days to cut the grass.

"If it's over 10 inches, then we will give you 72 hours before we have a contractor come in and cut the grass," Mayor William Wild said.

Most of the houses with tall grass are either vacant, owned by the bank or have absentee landlords, according tot he mayor. If they don't mow the lawns, the homeowner will likely get a bill of about $250 each time a contractor comes out.

Last year, the city mowed the lawns about 700 homes. This year, it's already at about 400 homes. Mayor Wild said the move came after dozens of calls from concerned residents.

"They don't want a house in their neighborhood that's got 10 inches of grass next door so it brings down the neighborhood," he said.