Once again, it’s time for our Channel 7 Community Comments. Our station editorial about what it takes for educational success and Labor Day 2016 prompted these viewer comments. Martha Wilson said:
“Nothing beats adult supervision of your children. We can debate educational methods until we’re blue in the face but being personally involved in your child’s schooling is the best preparation that they will excel academically.”
Daniel Arrington writes:
“Wake up Michigan! We are letting partisan politics destroy our Michigan K through 12 schools. If we don’t turn this tide soon, we’ll be ranked lower than Mississippi!”
Thomas Wilson, Jr. said:
“I agree wholeheartedly. …Education is the most important investment we will ever make in our children and more parents must become involved in their child’s education.”
Kenneth Pritz sent us this message:
“I just want to tell you that this is the best Editorial I have seen at (on) WXYZ-TV! Very emotional. I graduated from Henry Ford High School in 1966. Michigan’s educational system has gone downhill ever since!”
Our Editorial about Labor Day triggered this response from Brittany Brownstein:
“I’ve always said that if you put American workers on an even plain with their counterparts abroad, no one can beat us on productivity and creativity. Just give us a fair shot!”
And finally, this comment from Ricardo Simpson:
“American pride and manufacturing are back! Thank heavens; our government didn’t let the auto industry go down the tube.”
That’s it for now. Thanks for writing and watching.
I’m Chuck Stokes, Editorial Director
Broadcast: September 9 - 11, 2016